Monday, July 7, 2008

A Rose by any other name....

Is SUNDAY????????


maclen said...

HA! yeah... alot of the lamer internet sites have started with the terrible headline puns... "kidman delivers sunday...on monday! HA HA !
And an update from the previous thread about kidman getting $5 mill for the pics.. I said I couldnt find anything about it or from which mag... well I jsut found something from, not very surprisingly, from aussie The Age...

... the article throws around $5 mil for kidman and $7,5 for jolie.... and mentions WHO magazine... but then later in the article states that WHO "probably won't get the first pics" but that "Either Woman's Day or New Idea will plump up the cash — about $1 million for each on the local scene." So which is it? $5 mill and $7.5 mil or only $1mil for each? Yeah, aussie finagling for the desperate kidman... but one thing I do know, jolie is gonna blow kidman away on this one...

Unknown said...

I thought she just told ppl NOT to buy or read WD!! How shady...

maclen said...

I think the main point lisa, is that its all jsut speculation, and trying to get kidman to look better... "wondering" if kidman can out do jolie. Again, I believe kidman is going to go the non payment route... like tomkat, and wait to reveal the baby... and at only 6lbs.. this kid will need the time.

Smart Girl said...

Kidman will go the non payment route, but only because she fears that she won't get the money that the brangelina twins would and so wants to stay out of a bidding war entirely.

Unknown said...

to save her face

realitycheck said...

LOL same "theory" the skeptics used for why KUNK didnt get paid for their wedding pic. How about these two are doing what all the A-listers should do and not put a price on their personal life. No one should be getting paid $5 million or $7 million for wedding or baby pics. If they do they should donate it without fanfare. And wishing Jolie gets paid the most just shows where the skeptic mindset is at. Ridiculous.

cricket said...

Well.congrats to Keith.I'm glad to hear that mother and baby are doing well.I don't give a rat's ass how Kidman is doing.Hopefully she's miserable that she didn't get heself a lovely little man/boy

Anonymous said...

here they're calling her Sunday roast....

Berry Hill said...

Thank you baby boy McConaughey! Your timing is perfect!

Unknown said...

RC, that's what we were told. She 'donated' the funds generated from the wedding pics. She knew it wouldnt be much and choosing a charity to give it to ups the worth. It seems to be the ONLY reason she chooses charities these days. For everything!

maclen said...

the captain said...
"here they're calling her Sunday roast...."

Yeah, cap... I read that yesterday...and that from her dear ol' aussies. I'd say the name turned out to be a bust. And it seems, berryhill, that McConaughey also had his kid yesterday... and announced today... but has not revealed the name yet... will that be a shrewer PR move? Makes you wonder what the press will still be talking about at the end of this week... baby sunday roast or baby ??? McConaughey would be wise to play this out...

banbotox said...

camp kidman yet again has managed to milk the name thing for all it's worth...all this discussion about the name and it's meaning to them, us, Oz and the world!

Mission accomplished ck...

woriedmonkey said...

OY VEY.... would you name your child after Sunday Reed if her life turned out to be something out of a Kubrick like movie.... and then she committed suicide

as per Wikipeadia:

Sunday Reed
From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Sidney Nolan: The Trial (1947), National Gallery of Australia.
Sunday Reed (15 October 1905 - 15 December 1981) was notable for supporting and collecting Australian art and culture with her husband John Reed.
Lelda Sunday Baillieu was born into Melbourne's Baillieu family, niece of William Baillieu, one of Australia's richest men. She was brought up in the family's mansions in Toorak and Sorrento. She was mostly educated by governesses, but she attended St Catherine's School, Toorak for two years from when she was 15.
She married an Irish-American Catholic, Leonard Quinn, on 31 December 1926, who gave her gonorrhea during their three year marriage, leaving her infertile. She married John Reed on 13 January 1932.[1]
In 1934 the Reeds purchased a former dairy farm on the Yarra River floodplain at Bulleen, a suburb of Melbourne, which became known as Heide. A number of modernist artists, known as the Heide Circle came to live and work at Heide at various times during the 1930's, 40's and 50's at Heide, and as such it became the place where many of the most famous works of the period were painted. Albert Tucker, Sidney Nolan, and Joy Hester, among others, all worked at Heide. Nolan painting his famous serious of Ned Kelly works in the living room there.
The Heide Circle is well known for the intertwined personal and professional lives of the people involved. Sunday Reed conducted affairs with a number of them, with the knowledge of her husband.
Janine Burke has claimed that Sunday Reed helped Nolan find his style and in the process developed from being a studio assistant to painting sections of the work. Burke suggests that Reed painted the red-and-white tiled floor in The Trial.[2] Nolan left the famous 1946-47 series of 27 Ned Kelly's at Heide, when he left it in emotionally-charged circumstances. Although he once wrote to Sunday Reed to tell her to take what she wanted, he subsequently demanded all his works back. Sunday Reed returned 284 other paintings and drawings to Nolan, but she refused to give up the 25 remaining Kellys, partly because she saw the works as fundamental to the proposed Heide Museum of Modern Art.[3] Eventually, she gave them to the National Gallery of Australia in 1977 and this resolved the dispute.
Ten days after the death of her husband, Sunday Reed committed suicide.

woriedmonkey said...


gonorrhea, infertility, moody artists, privileged upbringing, divorce, adultery and

sounds right up Kidman's alley...sounds like a movie but as an inspiration for her kid's name !!!

doublewide said...

gonorrhea, infertility, moody artists, privileged upbringing, divorce, adultery and

sounds right up Kidman's alley...sounds like a movie but as an inspiration for her kid's name !!!

NK is just one sick woman.....keith has hooked up with the biggest weirdo of all time...

Anonymous said...

the woman never had an original idea in her life. mummy dearest helped her 'choose' unicef as her charity, daddy chose the baby's name, puh-lease. grow up and cut the chord nikkers!

doublewide said...

for you guys that don't know some people yelled "bitch" as keith and NK were walking out. i have a friend who was there and heard it, but she doesn't think keith and NK heard it. the crowd was way too loud, and keith and skeletor (to borrow from a friend), of course, couldn't wait to leave. heaven forbid, keith should actually hang around and sign any autographs or talk to any fans. and don't tell me NK was pregnant and tired. she was seen in a bookstore (supposedly) just hours before the baby was born.

and yeah, maclen, there's an article somewhere that says they left sunday night under the cloak of darkness....interesting huh?

notachance said...

The name wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the reason behind it. Sorry NK, big mistep there.

Now, Matthew McConaughey's kid - Levi, that's a GREAT name for a boy. I predict lots of little boys in the next year with that name. It's a perfect fit for MM.

doublewide said...

The name wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the reason behind it. Sorry NK, big mistep there.

i completely agree notachance

TexasCourtJester said...

"The name wouldn't be so bad if it weren't for the reason behind it. "

The ease with which the research was done on the Urban child namesake makes me wonder - yet again - if Nic can read. Maybe she agrees to scrips without reading them because she can't read. Why would any loving parent give their child that kind of role model to aspire to? If you like the name, fine, just say you like the name, but come up with a better story behind it! No story at all is better than what Gramps Kidman gave. You are after all suppose to be an actress Nicole. And shame on Keith for not standing up and saying "You are not naming my child after that woman." (sigh. I know, I KNOW.)

cricket said...

As whacked out as Kidman is she probably thinks Sunday Reed is a perfect role model for a little girl. I mean after all look at Kidman she could give old Sunday a run for her money in the slut department.

doublewide said...

there is no way on God's green earth, that my daughter's in-laws could be kept away from that hospital when she had her baby last year. her MIL was in the delivery room right along with me. i don't care where keith's parents live, they should have been there....and money is no object. for crying out loud, the man has waited 40 years to become a dad (we think).

IMO his parent's absence and phone call the next morning hours after the birth is very telling.