Tuesday, September 2, 2008

From the Urban Myths Mailbag

Dear Urban Myths,

I have been involved with a fellow for almost four years. He is supposedly attractive and talented but I don't see it. I have tried so hard to keep him with me. I have given him fame, fortune and access to a life he only dreamed about. I even bought him a child to keep our family together. My problem is I am not sure I want to keep doing this but I like that I am keeping myself popular. What should I do?

Famously Fading

Dear FF,

You give a man fame and fortune, dinner with moguls and prime ministers, rides on private planes and big boats. Why are you doing this? To keep yourself popular? That's crazy. Aren't you happy? Is he happy?

If you build a life that is built on a foundation of things, money and a false sense of reality, when it collapses you have no one to blame but yourself. You can't buy another human being, even a fellow narcissist, because eventually fame, like every other kind of drug, you have to get a better stronger fix. What can you give him in the future? An aging facade and a failing career? He will move on, as you should expect, because you can't offer him anything. Even if he bought all of the things you were selling he will be susceptible to a younger, prettier, even more popular and wealthier vendor. Cut your losses and think about your future. That's the most important thing isn't it?



realitycheck said...

Nothing but reruns on the UMyths Channel!

Unknown said...

and repeats of the same hypocrites chiming in on how much they despise it

maclen said...

So I imagine that kidman, who seems to be hiding out in the UK because seemingly, she is not handling the addition of a newborn, along with her most beloved career pressures very well... has another worry to contend with...


...seems after the next Bond flick kicked kidman's Australia out of it's US release date...seems Fox's decision to move Australias release date to Nov 26 in OZ, one day before the bond flick is to be released in OZ, has the Oz tourism board up in arms! They fear, of course, that Australia will not even be a hit in OZ because it will no doubt be thrashed by Solace...I expect inside pressure, as the article elludes to, that bond may be "convinced" to move its release date in OZ... the fact that this so call "Epic",
Australia, is being trounced around, by conficting release date and being shadowed around by solace, getting the Oz tourist board as well as baz in an emotional tizzy... tells you just how "worried" they are about this mess of a movie. The truth is, no matter when this movie is release, it is going to be an epic flop...

Tara said...

I think its an interesting blog
I mean she did sorta purchase Keith
which means he can be led ....

I find the absence of any new of Kidman, Infant and hubby very disconcerting..

stillhopefull said...

ReRuns UM???? And RC keeps coming back for more!?!?!? Go figure. Just another reason to complain!