Tuesday, September 2, 2008

Thank You For Your Support!

Looks like the Music Fest was enjoyed by all... err most.... I thought the protesters were going to stay home. Oh well, hopefully they didn't dampen your enthusiasm.

It also looks like we made the news! We found this photo on the AP wire... this one was from early Saturday. We'll see if we can find some more. Thanks for coming, we'll do it again soon!


realitycheck said...

Grand delusions...

maclen said...

I of course kept up up with all your post's during your Labor Day orb fest Urban Myths... very creative writing, or rewriting.... liked collins In the Air piece especially... and that begs the question, does the orb have many more "hits" potential songs on his years past cds for another? Or will he be reduced to more "duets" or yes, cover versions of other peoples hits to sustain him? Because as been mentioned before, he proved that he has to recyle his pre kidman past material for one, and his post kidman stuff has proven to be totally lacking... but then, there's always Branson...

doublewide said...

but then, there's always Branson...

or vegas......love the pic Umyths.....

wondered where you were maclen...

maclen said...

Well, doublewide, I basically took the holiday weekend off... as you know I'm not a fan of the orb... honestly, have no interest in researching or even checking out the orbs music... and since I have from reliable sources that since hooking up with kidman, his music sucks... and seeing that kidman has fallen into a black hole located in the UK, not much going on in the kidman transparancy revealing and noting. I guess the brits werent too interested in kidman's PR baby... not much to mention about kidman. Being that the only online stories circulating about kidman are about how she is beginning to fall apart... what with the new baby... reshoots and then rehearsals for another film and all the talk of major weight loss again, perhaps shes just hiding out to try and get herself together. If true, she only has to herself to blame.