Although they have been "seen", we actually have our first pap pics of the "happy" couple out and about... once by themselves and once with Sunday. Coincidentally, it was Katie's birthday, and Tom's premiere of MI4.
So many questions... you start....
What is MOST the orb and kidman alone photos, they are dour and miserable looking...BUT...the true intentions of the "family" photo op with little's all smiles and cheer. It's clear that mutt and jeff simply LIVE for the phoney pre arranged photo ops...but cant ALWAYS get up for all of them! So let' see....the PREVIOUS prearranged photo ops at JJ were way back on Nov. what are the odds that they would then show up in JJ this weekend...with sunri out out of NY while the tomkat and kitten are on a whirlwind of PR for a "blockbuster" premiere there as well?
,,,post structure...
...just noticed that the mutt and jeff "solo" photo ops was described as "an afternoon date to the movies!" over at JJ. So, who wants to bet me a million bucks that the INTENTION of that photo op was to try and create "buzz" on JUST WHAT movie they went to see this weekend? Well, it seems so I can see...NO ONE is biting on that one!
Silly Rabbit!
This is our gift. . .
This is KUNK's holiday gift to us, complete with the rockin' purple skirt. . .
Merry Christmas!
Who cares what movie they went to the important thing is that they had 2 hours where they didn't have to talk to one another. Like I said on the previous thread. Bella Cruise apparently lives in New York so why not see her?
Its all staged because they want the world to know that Keith is alive and kicking and not at doom and glooms door and that they are so tight as a family- I wonder if they pay Sunday off to pose?
Well Tara... it looks like they are setting up some kind of scenerio here. If you take these pics as if they were taken two days apart?
The ones with Sunday well...they were cordial to each other and smiling at the little girl. Nice family pics? Well sort of. ;)
Then you take the ones that I feel are the most recent..well..they maybe in gray together but if body language be told the gray is not just in their clothing. They do not want to be together and maybe this is where we are at.
If they are doing kiddie pics well we will show the multitudes that we will be civil for the kid's sake. But when we are alone we won't have to play nice!! ((giggles)))
I do believe 2012 will be a very telling year!! :D
hoosierlady said...
Silly Rabbit!
This is our gift. . .
This is KUNK's holiday gift to us, complete with the rockin' purple skirt. . .
Merry Christmas!
Yes hoosier...they are the dimbulbs that keep on giving! They have NOTHING to shill...but are out courtesy of "tomkat and kitten" buzz. I now expect MORE of the "buzz by past association" to creep back into kidman's lame PR BS.
"Merry Krimble" to you hoosier...and to all...a good night...
Well will someone tell me where is Christmas in these pics? No people with packages??
I don't know looks strange. If this is Sunday in NYC at Christmas time it sure has changed from when I was a theatre goer!!
Well it looks like Tom's career is back- all of the buzz about Mission Impossible and Rock of Ages is really good- time for Kidman to use her I was married to him when he was popular card...
I guess when she and Keith are done she can go around and remind people she was with Keith when his career tanked.
How long before they are in Oz?
If you haven't seen the blind item over on Crazy Days and Nights go over there and look.
If this is about them
What a terrible human being for being ashamed of your child.
And if this is about them Keith should be ashamed of his actions too. What a pussy!
Don't put anything past Kidman remember she had Bella on a diet at age 3-
poor Sunday
Tara.Is anyone even sure that Faith is his?
No neither child is really his or her's for that matter. ((giggles))) But he also has nothing to say as to how these kids are raised.
I know some think they are married but that is not the case. This is a contract and she is the boss. What she wants she gets he has no say!!! Now that is the absolute truth.
If this child they are speaking about is Maggie? Moosie girl will find a way to make herself the martyr!!
Let's pretend for a moment that Faith is not his child, which makes no difference to me when he considers this woman his wife, and this is a child's life whether you are the parent or not. After Kidman abandoned Isabella and Connor, and if this blind item is about them, how and/or why would a decent man stay with her? Who stays with a woman that treats little human beings this way?
So before 100 percent of the blame is pointed at Kidman (if this is her), you need to hold Urban responsible for this situation as well. He obviously isn't staying with her because she is a woman of morals and values.
you have me there. No one is sure about the parentage.
So in the last weeks of the "holiday cd buying season"...
...lady ant's 3 month old cd, "Own the Night" has now officially sold 1 mil cds...the Band perry's self titled cd is only 2000 away from sales of 1 mil...swifty sold 37k for a total so far of 3.8mil...paisley' 7 motnth cd sold 15k this week for a total so far of 586k (which will at some point, I have no doubt, surpass the orb's total)...chesney's cd has now sold 1mil...and most significantly AND most symbolically...Rascal flatts' cd, "Nothing Like This", which was released the SAME day as orb's on Nov 16, 2010, has now also offically now sold 1mil cds. Meanwhile, the orb...naturally NOT selling enough this week to warrent mention in this report, no doubt is still stuck in the mid 600k range...over 300k short of that platinum status!
NOw, to just review...the band perry were orb's opening act up in Canada...but they were OVER orb's total of cd sales BEFORE the Canadian leg of his they most assuredly were NOT affected by that stigma...BUT...newcomer jake owen seems to have NOT been helped by his association with the orb this summer. Owen, who was orb's opening act for his ENTIRE US summer tour...has ONLY sold 176k of his 4 month old cd, "Barefoot Blue Jean Night." Clearly owen did NOT benefit much being the opening act for orb's very subpar performing summer tour!
I agree that when the time is right and if there is something special about Faith don't think Kidman won't use it to her advantage.
Keith has shown more and more over the years that he is indeed a dependent personality when it comes to Kidman.
So, while perusing the innertubes this morning...noticed this...
Taylor Swift's 'Hunger Games' song: What do you think of 'Safe and Sound'?
...listening to this song...if I hadnt had known it was swifty...I may not have recognized her. I wouldnt be surprised at all...with the year swift just had...again...if this song isnt in the Oscar race for soundtrack song. Again, as hot as she has been I would surely expect the Academy to be hoping to tap into swift's massive audience...seeing how the Oscar's have been hard up the past few years trying to tap into that "younger" demographic. Orb in the once again reduced to playing the "dancing monkey" to kidman's "organ grinder" in her pathetic photo ops in a pathetic attempt to cash once again on her marriage to ex-cruise. Wouldnt it be a hoot though...IF swifty ended up, in about 20 years...the icon that is a U2 or Springsteen...while orb simply ends up being...well....richard marx!
Well maclen...maybe thats what he wants. When his career was climbing he got snagged by a miserable selfish wretch. Maybe it's just better to let Moosie girl have to scrounge her own red carpets and PR.
She can always pull TC out from under her proverbial rug!! ;)
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