I guess it could be construed as a bit incestuous. Kidman's made films with 2 of the men and married to the 3rd. What do you think is going on in this photo? Looks like 4 people being asked to get together by a photog for a photo.
No its not about the Blind Item its about the number of photos out there of him drinking. I have always been convinced he isn't an alcoholic that Betty Ford was about something else he confirmed that on Oprah didn't he?
On that, I agree. I've never believed that alcohol was his problem. Just an excuse to be able to justify his behavior at the time. The bender he went on and his being unfaithful. People are so excepting to brush all that under the rug if they think you have a problem with alcohol. Much more then any other addiction. I think on Oprah he said it was a mix of things or he was doing everything. Something like that. I think KUNK thinks enough time has gone by. The public has a short memory. His fans don't though. I think the bunny ones would be very upset if they thought he was drinking. They'll start a prayer chain. Probably make a scrapbook to cheer him up. LOL
But it's not to say alcohol isn't being used for self medication..
I am sure buckeyes are being made as we speak.
So Chicago and private corporate gigs elsewhere - for someone who a few claim has no career he does seem busy this week plus I am sure a command performance of happy family time will be required soon in France
Yep, he's already in France. He does keep pretty busy. I don't believe his career is over. Is it where it was in 2004/2004 no but I don't think it ever will be again. He's had to start over and where he is now may be where he stays but it's not a bad career. No one stays on top forever but I certainly wouldn't call him a hasbeen.
Well he would be in a very different place if he had not let Moosie girl snag him.
He got one EOTY and then he started to slide...the only reason for his decline was and still is the Moose!!!
His opportunity to become big in country is gone. He will continue to kill what little career he has left till there is nothing for Moosie girl to use for her own promotions.
Once she drops him b/c he is not useful he may come back but he will never be what he could have been.
She seems to have a talent to ruin people she works with or hires!!
Why don't we keep this about truths. Just when Tara and I were having a nice reality based conversation. Oh well there goes the neighborhood. Keith is not purposefully killing his career. That is just crazy talk. Keith is a grown man, who makes his own decisions. He chooses to stay with her or he chooses to go. He's not a piece of property. He wasn't fooled, or tricked. this isn't the 1800's. He's a man with resources. Whether you like it or not Hatti or whatever other names you post under, Keith chose to be with her.
My point is I think he leads quite a different life than the one they would like you to believe. Maybe everyone does that who is in a public eye- but its deceptive and when found out integrity goes right out the window.
He biggest addiction has always been to fame- Hatti has some points in the argument argument- what did he do to feed his addiction?
I think you have up too high on that pedestal. It's beneath him? Who is he royalty?? He's in show business. His job is self promotion. What he's been doing for the last 5-6 years hasn't been working. At this point, if he wants to maintain a presence with the public, not too much can be beneath him. He has got to do something. Releasing new music and touring with it, is not enough. Come back with something he should be doing but don't say that's what he needs to be doing, cause it's not been working.
Well let me say this 123... whom ever you are. I post the way I see it. And whether I am Hatti or ISL doesn't matter!! The reality of it is she snagged him when he was most volunerable and now she wishes he would go away!! ((giggles))
But he isn't going anywhere till he cleans out her cavernous!! No one deserves it more!!!
She is a piece of trash...A pervert...a poor excuse for even a porn star!!! She degrades her bought and paid for family and anyone else connected with her!!!
Everyone but a few see what she really is!! Go read People mag page 42 and tell me what this reality of yours is all about.
Anyone that thinks she is a person of good standing is a bird of the same feather! ((giggles)))
First of all, we were not talking about her. I could careless what she does, how she conducts her life or the choices she makes in choosing films. I don't like her, I've never liked her. His marrying her isn't going to change how I feel about her. So how dare you insinuate that I am somehow a bird of the same feather. In anything maybe you and her have a little in common. You both live in fantasy worlds. We were talking in reality about what Keith should do about his career. Not in the LaLa land you live in where all Keith has to do is break the chains that bind him, he'll be free and all in the world would be right again. He is a grown man. with free will. If you don't like the choices Keith's made maybe you should take it out on Keith because he made those choices. He is not indentured slave. If you think so little of the man that he couldn't possible make his own decisions for his life and his career that you have to come up with this fantasy world where he is this poor shell of a man. That says a whole more about you, you still hanging around for the last 7 years, then it does about KUNK. Why don't you go back to Maclen's new board and spew your stories there. Because no one is buying it here.
Hatti - don't worry you speak layers of truth....stick around. Did you read the new interview in Harpers Bazzar where Kidman credits Keith with opening her up sexually? What does that have to do with anything except insult him? But that is the kind of stuff she does she weaves the girls and Keith into interviews to make her look human. And that doesn't matter? Tell me how it doesn't- it paints a picture of him that isn't exactly true. Everything is done for a reason.
The other day I was accused of thinking Keith better that the job he is doing on Idol. Guilty as charged. He is. I put him on a par with any well known Grammy winning artist. Idol is about self promotion? Do Niki and Mariah need promotion? No but you think Keith has to do this? Sorry but would Springsteen or Jagger or George Strait do Idol? How many people were asked and who accepted. Keith Urban should be out playing and recording not wasting his time looking at people who have little to no chance in the music business- where are the last 7 winner of IDOL today? In his genre he is the equal to those who were mentioned and is worthy of a little more respect than 123 is giving him. Why do we stick around for me I am a fan, have been since 1996 when I saw him at a showcase. I don't buy the last 7 years except he did sell himself short and I think that probably was because others were telling him he was less and it looks like he believed it.
If all that is to be believed Tara then you are the one not giving Keith any respect. You think so little of him. That he can be swayed by others to the point of putting his career in jeopardy. I give him credit for having his own mind, you don't. You want Keith to just keep drudging along putting out music and touring to the same size audience that isn't growing. At least I give him credit for trying something new. Will it work, who knows but kudos for trying!! Keith gets that the same old, same old isn't working. Explain to me how Kidman saying that Keith has opened her up sexually insults Keith? I'm sure she didn't mean it "physically". I don't know what the context this answer came out. It may be a little too much information but insulting? I don't see it. What I do see is, you don't want to believe that they have sex, so it bothers you that she mentions him and her doing it. How does that statement paint him in a way that isn't true?? Wow, you better not use those names (Springsteen, Strait or Jagger) when talking about Keith in posts with Maclen. Look I think Keith is an amazing performer and an amazing person (I've seen him in concert more times then most, from small clubs to big stadiums. I've also met him, many, many times) but he is a man, nothing more, nothing less. As far as Hatti goes if you really think she speaks layers of truth (First she claims she doesn't know anything about Keith, she's just around for the gossip aspect of it all. Then suddenly she's privy to Keith's reproductive workings. She also wants to run over Keith with a bus. Or how about the cousin who isn't Kidman's cousin having the Urban kids???) then we have nothing more to discuss. Talk about birds of a feather.
You didn't read anything I wrote. You are just eager to jump. Is that because when Idol starts showing a lot more people will be interested in Keith Urban and seek the internet to find out more? Hatti can say what she wants doesn't mean anyone has to agree with her. Just like you go on and on and jump from here to there it makes no sense.
Actually I believe Barbara was being asked about who'd she like to sing with. She said a few other names first. Then said she liked Keith. She didn't say she wanted to sing with him, Just that she liked him. If Babs calls, I'm sure Keith will be able to fit her in. No worries.
As for not reading what you wrote. I think I answered you post, point for point but if that makes you feel better to think I didn't read it. Go right ahead and believe that. Funny you accuse me of that yet there were several point in my post you completely overlooked, you didn't answer. You say I make no sense yet what does Keith doing Idol and people searching him out on the internet have anything to do with me being eager to jump?? I'm not even sure what that means.
As for Hatti, OSL, SSL. Does she speak layers of truth or can she say what she wants because people don't have to believe her. I don't think you can have it both ways.
Yes Tara... I do believe Moosie goes to over kill to try to make people believe they live together and are intimate. But as I have said in the past...he wouldn't be in this relationship this long if he had to live with her.
He has never strayed from his original contract...escort only!!!
Tara..the porn that she has put out...is considered filth. So I am sure KU would rather be linked to a tree then that piece of crap!! ((giggles)))
I believe he is on AI for a reason and it's not to raise his standard of living. ((giggles)) It will be very interesting to see how this all comes about.
I just love it when one of his plans comes together!! Can't wait to see what he has up his perverbial sleeve!!! ((giggles)))
Well you know 123...I use to read about me having more than one poster name... like shame on me....then I found out the very posters that were being irate about me had many..many..poster names...Why?? To make posters like me think that there are more than a few people interested in defending Moosie or KU or KUNK!!
Now I laugh....I have never changed my manner of posting. Everyone can identify me b/c I will say it the way it is..the same way I always do. And I have never recanted anything I said!!! The truth is the truth!!
Now if that bothers you?? Then I would say.... you my dear... have a problem... not I! ((giggles)))
Again, thanks for keeping on point and responding to what I last wrote. Or what I wrote before that.
So let me explain it to you. Keith and Nicole are married, her sexuality is his sexuality. As I said it may be TMI but it's not insulting. She is his wife. Whether we like it not. What I find odd is that you are insulted for a grown man. He doesn't seem to be insulted. In fact, from all I've read, she's put it on blast that Keith is a sex God. If you've got to have a nickname. It's not a bad one to have. I guess I'm lucky. I can separate her from him. Especially these days he doesn't mention her as much, or dedicate songs to her anymore. I guess if you let it get in the way, it could be a problem. I've just chosen not to let me bother be. So yes, you can discuss Keith and/or his career without bringing her up. You'd be surprised how many conversations I've had about Keith without bringing her up. People do it everyday.
You're the one who seemed worried that if Keith did Idol he wouldn't be available for that call from Streisand. I was just saying, IF it were to happen, I'm sure Keith will make sure to make time to do it. Whether he's doing Idol or not.
Yes, Hatti I do have a problem with you. I don't like people who lie. I remember you when you first came around. You claimed to have no relationship or prior knowledge of Keith. Then suddenly you have a working knowledge of Keith's penis. You claim to have knowledge to the inter workings of their marriage, Keith's intercircle, his career and you don't. You don't post things as your opinion, you post them as facts. I find that to be very dangerous. Even Mimosa was onto you.
See Tara this is where it's hard for me to get you. You are insulted by something Kidman says, who has an intimate relationship Keith. Yet have no problem condoning the things that Hatti says, when she's making up stuff as she goes along.
Yes, Hatti, I will defend Keith when I think he needs it but I also have no problem saying when I think he's done something I don't agree with.
Well 123 I never said I didn't know KU..in fact the bunnies had a problem b/c I said I did know KU.
So I guess you have one of those poster names stuck to the wrong person.It's easy to have happen there certainly are so many poster names floating around. I keep making sure I get some of them knocked off the boards!!
Now I guess you know personally that these two are really married and that they live together and are intimate.
You have been in one of their homes maybe?? Invited to tea?? Boy if that is the case... I guess you rate higher than KU...he never gets an invite...that's why we see him in hotels!!! ((giggles)) Even on his 30 sec videos! ((giggles))
Oh I just love the way people become delusional when it comes to these two. ((giggles)))
How many users names do you use 123? How do I know what is true and what isn't? I am not Keith Urban nor Nicole Kidman. My issue with the comment about their sex life is that it was not needed. Why do you think it was needed? Is it because the overall view of Keith Urban is that he is pussy whipped? That he is Tommy lite? I also would like to know when this interview was conducted? Because if it was around the time of the tomcat demise then it makes perfect sense. Why would anyone care if Keith and Nicold are intimate? This appears to be a woman who has issues with her sexuality and personality. It makes one sorry for Keith because he he either deals with this or he is humiliated every time she opens her mouth. I tend to agree with Hatti that these two lead very separate lives and perhaps it was a shot because the sex god was making someone elses toes curl.
Please, the only one here delusional Hatti, is you. I remember YOU!! Just because the E-board is no longer around, doesn't mean people are going to forget the things you have said. You got no one knocked off any boards in fact, your posts got you knocked off for awhile until you came back under a different name. You know NOTHING. Nothing you have ever said has ever come out to be of any truth. Skeptics put up with you because the numbers are getting so low on people who post, that they can't afford to tell you they've had enough. You've have made them look bad for so long. There are a few who put up with you because they are desperate to keep this going. Most don't even acknowledge your posts. They let you post for numbers. To keep the page count up but they know exactly what you are. They just won't say, well I will. You are a joke!!!
Tara, I have always posted here under this name. Good for you, proclaiming that you have no inside knowledge of KUNK. So many go the other way (I'm looking at you Hatti). I'm pretty sure that I said that I believed the statement made in Harper's Bazaar was "Too Much Information" but it is "her" information. I never said I thought the comment was needed. Last I looked this was America and she can share whatever she wants. If Keith chooses to be mad at her for saying that, I would understand that but you being insulted for something that has nothing to do with you. I can't understand. I really don't see how this statement continues to make Keith look PWed. I mean, the average person, knowing that they are married, believe them to be having sex. Only fans who can't bare to believe that he even married her, let alone that they are intimate would be bothered by this. Most people that I've seen talking about this think it's put Keith in a good light. It's never bad to be thought of as good in bed. What she said basically (to me anyway) was that maybe she was a bit closed off when it came to sex. He came along and opened you up. Maybe the better statement would have been "he renewed her interest in sex". There really is nothing wrong with the statement other then it being a bit TMI. Should it have been said, that's up to them to be decided. Not you are I. Keith doesn't come off humiliated. Not at all. I think you may be projecting what you are feeling onto him. As you have said, you are neither Keith or Nicole. So you don't know how they feel, about anything. Unless, he comes out and says this is how I feel about this or that. Fans sometimes think they know who an entertainer is but we only know what they want us to know. We only get to know the person they want us to believe they are. When in reality that may not be the person they present themselves to be at all. Any one who has spent anytime in Nashville, as I have. Or who have good friends who live there. Will know that when they are in town, they are both there, together. People see them together all over town. Nashville, is different then other cities. They are use to seeing famous people. So they don't pull out their camera's every time KUNK show up. It's also not like they are hanging out on lower Broadway where the tourist hangout. I know you don't want to hear that but it's the truth. I guess it's easier to want to believe that they live separate lives. I mean they do spend a lot of time apart because of their careers but when they are together. They are together. That's just the truth of it all. Again, for those who can't bare to think Keith would be with Kidman (even though they have now been together for 7 years), I guess it would be easier to want to believe he was with someone else. It's kind of sad really. As a fan, we should be happy for him but some seem to think that they know better for Keith then Keith himself.
The is a reason to all appearances you aren't naive- the spotings are only during specific periods of time and yes they are all over Nashville but I find it funny that when Keith is alone you don't have the tweets he can go anywhere and when they are together there is a deluge of tweets.
We shouldn't care less who a person that we are a fan of is with. Only when it became a factor did Kidman matter but she is a factor a career misstep factor.
(((giggles)) Well the PT is no longer around. But NT is still used occasionally. If you care to look you will see I am the last to post. It has been a few weeks since I posted but when we have an inclination we use it.
Now 123 your attitude is so much like a poster I use to know... in fact I got her thrown off the NT thread b/c she tried to spar with me verbally...she got so upset she forgot who she was!! It was really funny ((giggles))) A while later she tried it again and got slammed.
I just love the way these bunnies become so frustrated when anyone critics their Idols!! ((giggles))
I'm not bunny Hatti and not the person you speak of. My attitude is that of honesty and reality. Nothing more nothing less. When "We have the inclination WE use it" when speaking of the old E board. Do you speak for all the skeptics now??? Well, you don't speak for me.
I don't have to speak for anyone 123. I stand up for myself. And if you are not a bunnie then I guess you don't have anything to argue about. ((giggles)))
When I say we have an inclination to use the NT I mean... I am not conversing with myself. There are times NT has been useful.
I don't have to speak for anyone the skeptics have their own opinions. They are not of one boring mind thank heavens! ((giggles))))
Tara, though I don't like Kidman. I don't really care anymore who Keith is married to. It doesn't effect me because I don't allow it to. I think for probably 95% or more of his fans it doesn't effect them either. Kidman may be a factor in the original misstep. Losing ground in 2006 but after that Keith has to take responsibility for his own career. I think it really is time to stop blaming her for everything. Keith has made choices in his life. He should be the one held accountable. It's funny some skeptics for a long time have claimed that all the tweets were put out by KUNK's people, so if that's true then it would make sense that there would be a deluge of tweets when they are doing something they want promoted (even if that is family time, or dates they go on) and then none when they are just being at home, wouldn't? So which is it? Tweets about them are put out by their people or aren't? You can't have it both ways. Some skeptics use tweets when it serves their purpose. There have been tweets when Keith is seen by himself. Certainly many of him being at Starbucks.
Actually Hatti, I completely disagree. Being a skeptic means we question things. I believe that there are degrees of Skepticism. I'm not hardcore. I don't make up things to serve an agenda and I don't tow the company line just because I'm a skeptic. So certainly there are things to argue about.
Hatti the person that is expendable is Keith. He costs less, he is less popular in the social media networks. He is old. I could see him departing with Randy in the middle more than either Diva leaving.
Anyway Keith wouldn't care his wife will keep him employed- he apparently finished what he had to do in the studio- oh that week went by so fast - he is apparently on his way to France although why go to london when you can direct from LAX to Paris??
Tara I meant to type employer not employee. The Moose has KU under her employ and therefore he will have a job on AI for as long as the show exists. Which as far as I'm concerned will be short lived! ((giggles)))
YEP!!!Never believe anything you see or hear when it come to these two!!
Did you read the Star article?? Seems Moosie Girl is unstable and has a kurfew set for KU he is only allowed to do AI if it doesn't interfere with this rule.
She has been unstable for quite sometime now and seems to threaten with butcher knives as well as ashtrays!!
I guess this is a time we are suppose to say...poor KU!! (((NOT))) ((giggles)))))))))
It's hysterical that you open your post with "never believe anything you see or hear about these two" and then go right into the Star article. I doubt anyone but you buys into the Star article.
Funny you bring up Kidman being insane. I guess it takes one to know one? I'm not going to keep arguing with you because I feel you are at a disadvantage do to your mental illness. If someone wants to discuss real topics concerning Keith or KUNK. I'm open to that but not where you are concerned, Hatti. You make up stories to fit your agenda. That's so 2005-2008. It's a shame Tara and I were having a nice little adult back and forth before you came back here. What aren't you getting enough attention over on Maclen's new board? Not enough audience there for you?
The only one rattling on is you. Blah, Blah, Blah. For the last 7 years. I'm disgruntled?? With what? There is nothing you could teach me, unless I'm looking to learn how to lie and make up stories. Then yes you would be the go to person. You need to get over yourself, Hatti.
If you want to learn to lie and make up stories.... I give you no better teacher that Nicole Kidman who released a series of photos yesterday of her and Keith in Monaco claiming to be current. They really do need to coordinate because first if you look at Keith from the Hootie induction and the two photos he posted on Twitter last week his hair is much shorter. secondly these photos must be at least 3 weeks old because he has been in vegas and Nashville and those are documented. The question becomes why release them now? And no denial about the National Enquiere story about Keith going to the producers of Idol and threatening to walk. very telling
Did Kidman go to the news outlets herself to release the photos? Did she have them hidden in her coat, while wearing sunglasses? Because that's the way you wrote it. Personally, I don't really care what Kidman does. It doesn't effect me in the least. Shouldn't you be upset with Keith for allowing these photos to make it look like he's one place when maybe he's in another? I get it, it's OK for Hatti to make up lies about people she doesn't know. About their personal life which she has no knowledge of. I think they call it cyberbullying. Poor Adele has people doing that to her right now. Yet it's a mortal sin when Kidman allegedly has photos from one time posted at another. You do release that the site may have just hung onto them for a bit or maybe got the dates wrong? Maybe there is no denial about Keith quitting AI because everyone involved knows how ridiculous the article was, that answering it just gives it more air to breathe? Keith's not going anywhere. He's got a contract and AI just signed a deal with Network TEN in Australia. The show will be shown in real time in OZ, so his fans there will get to see him. The best of both worths for Keith.
I'm not defending anyone. I don't like Kidman, never have but I can do that without lying about her.
I guess I just don't get into the politics of photos. I look at them, enjoy or dislike them depending on the photo and then I move on. I don't analyze every photo for some clue that their marriage is over. For some hint that they are lying about something. I don't care about Kidman, so I really don't care about photos of her. I do care about Keith but I understand that he is a big boy who makes his own decisions. Maybe he goes along to get along. Maybe he doesn't care either or maybe there is nothing more then a wrong date put on a photo.
Yes Tara...Moosie girl has been doing this for years. It's just that KU really doesn't care who knows it.
She has been able to manipulate the media b/c of Rupie's influence. Now...for some reason we always find out later. Like it gets out that KU is someplace else. Or like he has pics of himself picking up the kids in the middle of the night and then Moosie coming off another plane the next morning refreshed from a quiet trip. ((giggles))
Yes what tangled webs she weaves trying to deceive... her gullible fansies!! Really that don't take much!!! ((giggles)))
Ask Hatti, I'm sure she could answer that one for you. As for Kidman her lies are now shared by Keith. If you have such disdain for her lies, how do you justify the fact that Keith goes along with it? Because you think she is paying him? Well that doesn't say a lot about Keith does it? How do you respect him if you think these horrible things about him? Please don't come back with the he's being taken advantage of, she tricked him, he's being held against his will. All of that is BS. He's a grown man with means. He made the choices he is now living with. Personally, I just don't care about 99% of the things that come out of Kidman's mouth. Honestly the only part of my day that I give her even a thought, is when I'm replying to these posts here. You both might be a whole lot happier if you stopped giving Kidman so much of your time.
OMG- where have I ever said Kidman is paying Keith? Its a manufactured relationship that is for the benefit of both of them for as long as it shall last. But its not forever and its based on deception and lies towards the public. Do I admire him for doing this- no. I understand it but I don't respect him for it. Fame is a mighty strong drug.
Well Tara...I'm the one that says Moosie is paying KU b/c she is. He was hired as her escort when she was looking for a husband and then tricked him into this whole mess. Didn't matter that he had his own private life she owned him and so he wound up making a deal.
So yes he is paid for...but she started it and he is bound and determined to finish it.
I'm sure he is enjoying his large bank accounts...but not as much as he would have making it on his own.
He knew hooking up with her would ruin his career so he tried alot of things to get her to drop him. They didn't work...she was too desperate!!
Well that's the way it was..is.. and will be.. until he is ready to move on. He can afford to any time he chooses.
So Tara he gets a pass because fame is addicting but she's a famewhore? How can you like someone if you don't respect them? So what's the shelf life on this marriage? Since you know it's not forever. Is it 10 yrs, 15 yrs, what? How long do you wait?
Hatti just keep making my point with your ridiculous statements.
I'm going to be away for a few days, just so you don't think I'm ignoring you.
Why wouldn't I like him just because I don't respect him? I still enjoy his music. I still like him as a person- you seem to miss where I wrote I understand why he did what he did.
Lets face some facts here going into this Kidman had the advantage. She had the world wide fame, she had the money. In society that equates to power. Keith had potential. He was rising in his field, he was garnering more attention. Why do you think she sought him out after Gday LA and it took her six months to do it? With TomKat all over the place she needed to look desirable- thats why I think she is currently bringing up her supposed sex life with Keith these days, people don't view her as desirable and that all goes back to her career- it hurts her. So she was realistic about her career (and don't think that doesn't matter first and foremost to her) and her public rejection by Tom Cruise. Enter Keith Urban who likes the fame drug more than even the crack pipe. Kidman did good or so it is believed.
I guess it could be construed as a bit incestuous. Kidman's made films with 2 of the men and married to the 3rd. What do you think is going on in this photo? Looks like 4 people being asked to get together by a photog for a photo.
Was this before he started drinking?
I guess that depends on if you believe that CDAN's rumor is Keith? I guess time will tell?
No its not about the Blind Item its about the number of photos out there of him drinking. I have always been convinced he isn't an alcoholic that Betty Ford was about something else
he confirmed that on Oprah didn't he?
On that, I agree. I've never believed that alcohol was his problem. Just an excuse to be able to justify his behavior at the time. The bender he went on and his being unfaithful. People are so excepting to brush all that under the rug if they think you have a problem with alcohol. Much more then any other addiction. I think on Oprah he said it was a mix of things or he was doing everything. Something like that. I think KUNK thinks enough time has gone by. The public has a short memory. His fans don't though. I think the bunny ones would be very upset if they thought he was drinking. They'll start a prayer chain. Probably make a scrapbook to cheer him up. LOL
But it's not to say alcohol isn't being used for self medication..
I am sure buckeyes are being made as we speak.
So Chicago and private corporate gigs elsewhere - for someone who a few claim has no career he does seem busy this week
plus I am sure a command performance of happy family time will be required soon in France
Yep, he's already in France. He does keep pretty busy. I don't believe his career is over. Is it where it was in 2004/2004 no but I don't think it ever will be again. He's had to start over and where he is now may be where he stays but it's not a bad career. No one stays on top forever but I certainly wouldn't call him a hasbeen.
Well he would be in a very different place if he had not let Moosie girl snag him.
He got one EOTY and then he started to slide...the only reason for his decline was and still is the Moose!!!
His opportunity to become big in country is gone. He will continue to kill what little career he has left till there is nothing for Moosie girl to use for her own promotions.
Once she drops him b/c he is not useful he may come back but he will never be what he could have been.
She seems to have a talent to ruin people she works with or hires!!
Why don't we keep this about truths. Just when Tara and I were having a nice reality based conversation. Oh well there goes the neighborhood. Keith is not purposefully killing his career. That is just crazy talk. Keith is a grown man, who makes his own decisions. He chooses to stay with her or he chooses to go. He's not a piece of property. He wasn't fooled, or tricked. this isn't the 1800's. He's a man with resources. Whether you like it or not Hatti or whatever other names you post under, Keith chose to be with her.
I don't think he was in France at all.
That could be true, Tara. We'll never know the answer to that one.
My point is I think he leads quite a different life than the one they would like you to believe. Maybe everyone does that who is in a public eye- but its deceptive
and when found out integrity goes right out the window.
He biggest addiction has always been to fame- Hatti has some points in the argument argument- what did he do to feed his addiction?
after watching yesterdays Diva dance
words for Mr. Urban
Just QUIT idol-
no one needs to put up with that shit.
I think he handed it well yesterday and I still think in the long run doing AI could be a good thing for him.
its beneath him to do it.
I think you have up too high on that pedestal. It's beneath him? Who is he royalty?? He's in show business. His job is self promotion. What he's been doing for the last 5-6 years hasn't been working. At this point, if he wants to maintain a presence with the public, not too much can be beneath him. He has got to do something. Releasing new music and touring with it, is not enough. Come back with something he should be doing but don't say that's what he needs to be doing, cause it's not been working.
Well let me say this 123... whom ever you are. I post the way I see it. And whether I am Hatti or ISL doesn't matter!! The reality of it is she snagged him when he was most volunerable and now she wishes he would go away!! ((giggles))
But he isn't going anywhere till he cleans out her cavernous!! No one deserves it more!!!
She is a piece of trash...A pervert...a poor excuse for even a porn star!!! She degrades her bought and paid for family and anyone else connected with her!!!
Everyone but a few see what she really is!! Go read People mag page 42 and tell me what this reality of yours is all about.
Anyone that thinks she is a person of good standing is a bird of the same feather! ((giggles)))
First of all, we were not talking about her. I could careless what she does, how she conducts her life or the choices she makes in choosing films. I don't like her, I've never liked her. His marrying her isn't going to change how I feel about her. So how dare you insinuate that I am somehow a bird of the same feather. In anything maybe you and her have a little in common. You both live in fantasy worlds. We were talking in reality about what Keith should do about his career. Not in the LaLa land you live in where all Keith has to do is break the chains that bind him, he'll be free and all in the world would be right again. He is a grown man. with free will. If you don't like the choices Keith's made maybe you should take it out on Keith because he made those choices. He is not indentured slave. If you think so little of the man that he couldn't possible make his own decisions for his life and his career that you have to come up with this fantasy world where he is this poor shell of a man. That says a whole more about you, you still hanging around for the last 7 years, then it does about KUNK. Why don't you go back to Maclen's new board and spew your stories there. Because no one is buying it here.
Hatti - don't worry you speak layers of truth....stick around.
Did you read the new interview in Harpers Bazzar where Kidman credits Keith with opening her up sexually?
What does that have to do with anything except insult him? But that is the kind of stuff she does
she weaves the girls and Keith into interviews to make her look human.
And that doesn't matter? Tell me how it doesn't- it paints a picture of him that isn't exactly true. Everything is done for a reason.
The other day I was accused of thinking Keith better that the job he is doing on Idol. Guilty as charged. He is. I put him on a par with any well known Grammy winning artist. Idol is about self promotion? Do Niki and Mariah need promotion? No but you think Keith has to do this? Sorry but would Springsteen or Jagger or George Strait do Idol? How many people were asked and who accepted.
Keith Urban should be out playing and recording not wasting his time looking at people who have little to no chance in the music business- where are the last 7 winner of IDOL today? In his genre he is the equal to those who were mentioned and is worthy of a little more respect than 123 is giving him.
Why do we stick around for me I am a fan, have been since 1996 when I saw him at a showcase. I don't buy the last 7 years except he did sell himself short and I think that probably was because others were telling him he was less and it looks like he believed it.
If all that is to be believed Tara then you are the one not giving Keith any respect. You think so little of him. That he can be swayed by others to the point of putting his career in jeopardy. I give him credit for having his own mind, you don't.
You want Keith to just keep drudging along putting out music and touring to the same size audience that isn't growing. At least I give him credit for trying something new. Will it work, who knows but kudos for trying!! Keith gets that the same old, same old isn't working.
Explain to me how Kidman saying that Keith has opened her up sexually insults Keith? I'm sure she didn't mean it "physically". I don't know what the context this answer came out. It may be a little too much information but insulting? I don't see it. What I do see is, you don't want to believe that they have sex, so it bothers you that she mentions him and her doing it. How does that statement paint him in a way that isn't true??
Wow, you better not use those names (Springsteen, Strait or Jagger) when talking about Keith in posts with Maclen. Look I think Keith is an amazing performer and an amazing person (I've seen him in concert more times then most, from small clubs to big stadiums. I've also met him, many, many times) but he is a man, nothing more, nothing less.
As far as Hatti goes if you really think she speaks layers of truth (First she claims she doesn't know anything about Keith, she's just around for the gossip aspect of it all. Then suddenly she's privy to Keith's reproductive workings. She also wants to run over Keith with a bus. Or how about the cousin who isn't Kidman's cousin having the Urban kids???) then we have nothing more to discuss. Talk about birds of a feather.
You didn't read anything I wrote. You are just eager to jump.
Is that because when Idol starts showing a lot more people will be interested in Keith Urban and seek the internet to find out more?
Hatti can say what she wants doesn't mean anyone has to agree with her.
Just like you go on and on and jump from here to there it makes no sense.
so Barbra Streisand wanting to work with him as singer and musician is
not as important as Idol?
Actually I believe Barbara was being asked about who'd she like to sing with. She said a few other names first. Then said she liked Keith. She didn't say she wanted to sing with him, Just that she liked him. If Babs calls, I'm sure Keith will be able to fit her in. No worries.
As for not reading what you wrote. I think I answered you post, point for point but if that makes you feel better to think I didn't read it. Go right ahead and believe that. Funny you accuse me of that yet there were several point in my post you completely overlooked, you didn't answer. You say I make no sense yet what does Keith doing Idol and people searching him out on the internet have anything to do with me being eager to jump?? I'm not even sure what that means.
As for Hatti, OSL, SSL. Does she speak layers of truth or can she say what she wants because people don't have to believe her. I don't think you can have it both ways.
Glad you can book Keith's sessions now!
Also how can you say that Kidman isn't part of any discussion about Keith? They are interconnected.
Would you like your sexuality talked about in an interview?
Yes Tara... I do believe Moosie goes to over kill to try to make people believe they live together and are intimate. But as I have said in the past...he wouldn't be in this relationship this long if he had to live with her.
He has never strayed from his original contract...escort only!!!
Tara..the porn that she has put out...is considered filth. So I am sure KU would rather be linked to a tree then that piece of crap!! ((giggles)))
I believe he is on AI for a reason and it's not to raise his standard of living. ((giggles)) It will be very interesting to see how this all comes about.
I just love it when one of his plans comes together!! Can't wait to see what he has up his perverbial sleeve!!! ((giggles)))
Well you know 123...I use to read about me having more than one poster name... like shame on me....then I found out the very posters that were being irate about me had many..many..poster names...Why?? To make posters like me think that there are more than a few people interested in defending Moosie or KU or KUNK!!
Now I laugh....I have never changed my manner of posting. Everyone can identify me b/c I will say it the way it is..the same way I always do. And I have never recanted anything I said!!! The truth is the truth!!
Now if that bothers you?? Then I would say.... you my dear... have a problem... not I! ((giggles)))
Again, thanks for keeping on point and responding to what I last wrote. Or what I wrote before that.
So let me explain it to you. Keith and Nicole are married, her sexuality is his sexuality. As I said it may be TMI but it's not insulting. She is his wife. Whether we like it not. What I find odd is that you are insulted for a grown man. He doesn't seem to be insulted. In fact, from all I've read, she's put it on blast that Keith is a sex God. If you've got to have a nickname. It's not a bad one to have.
I guess I'm lucky. I can separate her from him. Especially these days he doesn't mention her as much, or dedicate songs to her anymore. I guess if you let it get in the way, it could be a problem. I've just chosen not to let me bother be. So yes, you can discuss Keith and/or his career without bringing her up. You'd be surprised how many conversations I've had about Keith without bringing her up. People do it everyday.
You're the one who seemed worried that if Keith did Idol he wouldn't be available for that call from Streisand. I was just saying, IF it were to happen, I'm sure Keith will make sure to make time to do it. Whether he's doing Idol or not.
I'm sensing some hostility.
Yes, Hatti I do have a problem with you. I don't like people who lie. I remember you when you first came around. You claimed to have no relationship or prior knowledge of Keith. Then suddenly you have a working knowledge of Keith's penis. You claim to have knowledge to the inter workings of their marriage, Keith's intercircle, his career and you don't. You don't post things as your opinion, you post them as facts. I find that to be very dangerous. Even Mimosa was onto you.
See Tara this is where it's hard for me to get you. You are insulted by something Kidman says, who has an intimate relationship Keith. Yet have no problem condoning the things that Hatti says, when she's making up stuff as she goes along.
Yes, Hatti, I will defend Keith when I think he needs it but I also have no problem saying when I think he's done something I don't agree with.
Well 123 I never said I didn't know KU..in fact the bunnies had a problem b/c I said I did know KU.
So I guess you have one of those poster names stuck to the wrong person.It's easy to have happen there certainly are so many poster names floating around. I keep making sure I get some of them knocked off the boards!!
Now I guess you know personally that these two are really married and that they live together and are intimate.
You have been in one of their homes maybe?? Invited to tea?? Boy if that is the case... I guess you rate higher than KU...he never gets an invite...that's why we see him in hotels!!! ((giggles)) Even on his 30 sec videos! ((giggles))
Oh I just love the way people become delusional when it comes to these two. ((giggles)))
How many users names do you use 123?
How do I know what is true and what isn't? I am not Keith Urban nor Nicole Kidman.
My issue with the comment about their sex life is that it was not needed. Why do you think it was needed? Is it because the overall view of Keith Urban is that he is pussy whipped? That he is Tommy lite?
I also would like to know when this interview was conducted? Because if it was around the time of the tomcat demise then it makes perfect sense. Why would anyone care if Keith and Nicold are intimate? This appears to be a woman who has issues with her sexuality and personality. It makes one sorry for Keith because he he either deals with this or he is humiliated every time she opens her mouth. I tend to agree with Hatti that these two lead very separate lives and perhaps it was a shot because the sex god was making someone elses toes curl.
Please, the only one here delusional Hatti, is you. I remember YOU!! Just because the E-board is no longer around, doesn't mean people are going to forget the things you have said. You got no one knocked off any boards in fact, your posts got you knocked off for awhile until you came back under a different name. You know NOTHING. Nothing you have ever said has ever come out to be of any truth. Skeptics put up with you because the numbers are getting so low on people who post, that they can't afford to tell you they've had enough. You've have made them look bad for so long. There are a few who put up with you because they are desperate to keep this going. Most don't even acknowledge your posts. They let you post for numbers. To keep the page count up but they know exactly what you are. They just won't say, well I will. You are a joke!!!
Tara, I have always posted here under this name. Good for you, proclaiming that you have no inside knowledge of KUNK. So many go the other way (I'm looking at you Hatti).
I'm pretty sure that I said that I believed the statement made in Harper's Bazaar was "Too Much Information" but it is "her" information. I never said I thought the comment was needed. Last I looked this was America and she can share whatever she wants. If Keith chooses to be mad at her for saying that, I would understand that but you being insulted for something that has nothing to do with you. I can't understand. I really don't see how this statement continues to make Keith look PWed. I mean, the average person, knowing that they are married, believe them to be having sex. Only fans who can't bare to believe that he even married her, let alone that they are intimate would be bothered by this. Most people that I've seen talking about this think it's put Keith in a good light. It's never bad to be thought of as good in bed. What she said basically (to me anyway) was that maybe she was a bit closed off when it came to sex. He came along and opened you up. Maybe the better statement would have been "he renewed her interest in sex". There really is nothing wrong with the statement other then it being a bit TMI. Should it have been said, that's up to them to be decided. Not you are I.
Keith doesn't come off humiliated. Not at all. I think you may be projecting what you are feeling onto him. As you have said, you are neither Keith or Nicole. So you don't know how they feel, about anything. Unless, he comes out and says this is how I feel about this or that. Fans sometimes think they know who an entertainer is but we only know what they want us to know. We only get to know the person they want us to believe they are. When in reality that may not be the person they present themselves to be at all. Any one who has spent anytime in Nashville, as I have. Or who have good friends who live there. Will know that when they are in town, they are both there, together. People see them together all over town. Nashville, is different then other cities. They are use to seeing famous people. So they don't pull out their camera's every time KUNK show up. It's also not like they are hanging out on lower Broadway where the tourist hangout. I know you don't want to hear that but it's the truth. I guess it's easier to want to believe that they live separate lives. I mean they do spend a lot of time apart because of their careers but when they are together. They are together. That's just the truth of it all. Again, for those who can't bare to think Keith would be with Kidman (even though they have now been together for 7 years), I guess it would be easier to want to believe he was with someone else. It's kind of sad really. As a fan, we should be happy for him but some seem to think that they know better for Keith then Keith himself.
The is a reason to all appearances
you aren't naive- the spotings are
only during specific periods of time
and yes they are all over Nashville
but I find it funny that when Keith is alone you don't have the tweets
he can go anywhere and when they are together there is a deluge of tweets.
We shouldn't care less who a person that we are a fan of is with. Only when it became a factor did Kidman matter but she is a factor a career misstep factor.
(((giggles)) Well the PT is no longer around. But NT is still used occasionally. If you care to look you will see I am the last to post. It has been a few weeks since I posted but when we have an inclination we use it.
Now 123 your attitude is so much like a poster I use to know... in fact I got her thrown off the NT thread b/c she tried to spar with me verbally...she got so upset she forgot who she was!! It was really funny ((giggles))) A while later she tried it again and got slammed.
I just love the way these bunnies become so frustrated when anyone critics their Idols!! ((giggles))
Like shooting fish in a barrel!! :D
I'm not bunny Hatti and not the person you speak of. My attitude is that of honesty and reality. Nothing more nothing less. When "We have the inclination WE use it" when speaking of the old E board. Do you speak for all the skeptics now??? Well, you don't speak for me.
I don't have to speak for anyone 123. I stand up for myself. And if you are not a bunnie then I guess you don't have anything to argue about. ((giggles)))
When I say we have an inclination to use the NT I mean... I am not conversing with myself. There are times NT has been useful.
I don't have to speak for anyone the skeptics have their own opinions. They are not of one boring mind thank heavens! ((giggles))))
Tara, though I don't like Kidman. I don't really care anymore who Keith is married to. It doesn't effect me because I don't allow it to. I think for probably 95% or more of his fans it doesn't effect them either. Kidman may be a factor in the original misstep. Losing ground in 2006 but after that Keith has to take responsibility for his own career. I think it really is time to stop blaming her for everything. Keith has made choices in his life. He should be the one held accountable.
It's funny some skeptics for a long time have claimed that all the tweets were put out by KUNK's people, so if that's true then it would make sense that there would be a deluge of tweets when they are doing something they want promoted (even if that is family time, or dates they go on) and then none when they are just being at home, wouldn't? So which is it? Tweets about them are put out by their people or aren't? You can't have it both ways. Some skeptics use tweets when it serves their purpose. There have been tweets when Keith is seen by himself. Certainly many of him being at Starbucks.
Actually Hatti, I completely disagree. Being a skeptic means we question things. I believe that there are degrees of Skepticism. I'm not hardcore. I don't make up things to serve an agenda and I don't tow the company line just because I'm a skeptic. So certainly there are things to argue about.
So Tara do you think that NM will be on AI?? I can see MC bringing all her bodyguards on the show every week!! ((giggles)))
Actually I have a feeling it may wind up to be MC...RJ...and KU. That's not a bad panel.
If NM is still there KU can always bring some of Moosie's ashtrays!! ((giggles))))
Hatti the person that is expendable is Keith.
He costs less, he is less popular in the social media networks. He is old.
I could see him departing with Randy in the middle more than either Diva leaving.
Anyway Keith wouldn't care his wife will keep him employed- he apparently finished what he had to do in the studio- oh that week went by so fast - he is apparently on his way to France
although why go to london when you can direct from LAX to Paris??
Well Tara... I don't believe the airport scenes at all. I don't know when he is free from AI for awhile... but if he can... he will head for Nash!!
See I don't think it has anything to do with his paycheck or his age...He is working for his employee's best bud..Ruppie owns Fox so his job is safe.
I figured NM would be asked to leave after threatening to hurt MC. And MC got all kinds of bodyguards. You know how that works.
It will be interesting to see who makes it to the last bell!! ((giggles)))
Tara I meant to type employer not employee. The Moose has KU under her employ and therefore he will have a job on AI for as long as the show exists. Which as far as I'm concerned will be short lived! ((giggles)))
Seems like he is and has been in Nashville-
he showed at Hooties induction into the GOO
He also filmed a video for his childhood idol Don Williams.
YEP!!!Never believe anything you see or hear when it come to these two!!
Did you read the Star article?? Seems Moosie Girl is unstable and has a kurfew set for KU he is only allowed to do AI if it doesn't interfere with this rule.
She has been unstable for quite sometime now and seems to threaten with butcher knives as well as ashtrays!!
I guess this is a time we are suppose to say...poor KU!! (((NOT))) ((giggles)))))))))
It's hysterical that you open your post with "never believe anything you see or hear about these two" and then go right into the Star article. I doubt anyone but you buys into the Star article.
123 I don't buy into the Star article!! It's planted..You know you should read before you start to jump to conclusions.
This article was put there for a reason. It was refuted by Moosie very quickly. But as you can see KU has not mentioned it at all! ((giggles)))
Get with the program girl... you seem to be a day late and a dollar short!
I'm with the program. The program of 2012 not 2005. If anyone is a day late and dollar short, it would be you still living in the past.
Oh brother....You really don't get it... I think you should read that article again. I'm not in 2005 but someone sure is!! ((giggles)))
We are still at unstable... my wife is in fear!! She needs her escort there by her side or she unravels.
Now we all know she is insane has been from day one. But this is so old now.... seven years old!
The flying ashtrays turned into butcher knives!! And I'm living in the past???? Sure I am!! ((giggles)))))))))
Funny you bring up Kidman being insane. I guess it takes one to know one? I'm not going to keep arguing with you because I feel you are at a disadvantage do to your mental illness. If someone wants to discuss real topics concerning Keith or KUNK. I'm open to that but not where you are concerned, Hatti. You make up stories to fit your agenda. That's so 2005-2008. It's a shame Tara and I were having a nice little adult back and forth before you came back here. What aren't you getting enough attention over on Maclen's new board? Not enough audience there for you?
Well if you think she has all her marbles than I would say dear...you are a few short yourself!! ((giggles)))
I know you are so disgruntled that you are having trouble keeping up dear. Maybe if you stopped rattling your mouth you'd actually learn something!!!
Guess that is just to much to hope for!! ((giggles)))
The only one rattling on is you. Blah, Blah, Blah. For the last 7 years.
I'm disgruntled?? With what?
There is nothing you could teach me, unless I'm looking to learn how to lie and make up stories. Then yes you would be the go to person. You need to get over yourself, Hatti.
If you want to learn to lie and make up stories....
I give you no better teacher that Nicole Kidman who released a series of photos yesterday of her and Keith in Monaco claiming to be current.
They really do need to coordinate
because first if you look at Keith from the Hootie induction and the two photos he posted on Twitter last week his hair is much shorter.
secondly these photos must be at least 3 weeks old because he has been in vegas and Nashville and those are documented.
The question becomes why release them now?
And no denial about the National Enquiere story about Keith going to the producers of Idol and threatening to walk.
very telling
Did Kidman go to the news outlets herself to release the photos? Did she have them hidden in her coat, while wearing sunglasses? Because that's the way you wrote it. Personally, I don't really care what Kidman does. It doesn't effect me in the least. Shouldn't you be upset with Keith for allowing these photos to make it look like he's one place when maybe he's in another? I get it, it's OK for Hatti to make up lies about people she doesn't know. About their personal life which she has no knowledge of. I think they call it cyberbullying. Poor Adele has people doing that to her right now. Yet it's a mortal sin when Kidman allegedly has photos from one time posted at another. You do release that the site may have just hung onto them for a bit or maybe got the dates wrong?
Maybe there is no denial about Keith quitting AI because everyone involved knows how ridiculous the article was, that answering it just gives it more air to breathe? Keith's not going anywhere. He's got a contract and AI just signed a deal with Network TEN in Australia. The show will be shown in real time in OZ, so his fans there will get to see him. The best of both worths for Keith.
for someone who doesn't care about Kidman
you sure are defending her
and I know we know the same people and you heard the blurb that was in the NE almost word for word just like I did a few week ago
why would you need to have photos taken a long time ago presented as if they were recent? Hiding something?
I'm not defending anyone. I don't like Kidman, never have but I can do that without lying about her.
I guess I just don't get into the politics of photos. I look at them, enjoy or dislike them depending on the photo and then I move on. I don't analyze every photo for some clue that their marriage is over. For some hint that they are lying about something. I don't care about Kidman, so I really don't care about photos of her. I do care about Keith but I understand that he is a big boy who makes his own decisions. Maybe he goes along to get along. Maybe he doesn't care either or maybe there is nothing more then a wrong date put on a photo.
Yes Tara...Moosie girl has been doing this for years. It's just that KU really doesn't care who knows it.
She has been able to manipulate the media b/c of Rupie's influence. Now...for some reason we always find out later. Like it gets out that KU is someplace else. Or like he has pics of himself picking up the kids in the middle of the night and then Moosie coming off another plane the next morning refreshed from a quiet trip. ((giggles))
Yes what tangled webs she weaves trying to deceive... her gullible fansies!! Really that don't take much!!! ((giggles)))
If you lie about one thing then you are more than likely lying about others.
Ask Hatti, I'm sure she could answer that one for you. As for Kidman her lies are now shared by Keith. If you have such disdain for her lies, how do you justify the fact that Keith goes along with it? Because you think she is paying him? Well that doesn't say a lot about Keith does it? How do you respect him if you think these horrible things about him? Please don't come back with the he's being taken advantage of, she tricked him, he's being held against his will. All of that is BS. He's a grown man with means. He made the choices he is now living with. Personally, I just don't care about 99% of the things that come out of Kidman's mouth. Honestly the only part of my day that I give her even a thought, is when I'm replying to these posts here. You both might be a whole lot happier if you stopped giving Kidman so much of your time.
OMG- where have I ever said Kidman is paying Keith? Its a manufactured relationship that is for the benefit of both of them for as long as it shall last. But its not forever and its based on deception and lies towards the public. Do I admire him for doing this- no. I understand it
but I don't respect him for it. Fame is a mighty strong drug.
Well Tara...I'm the one that says Moosie is paying KU b/c she is. He was hired as her escort when she was looking for a husband and then tricked him into this whole mess. Didn't matter that he had his own private life she owned him and so he wound up making a deal.
So yes he is paid for...but she started it and he is bound and determined to finish it.
I'm sure he is enjoying his large bank accounts...but not as much as he would have making it on his own.
He knew hooking up with her would ruin his career so he tried alot of things to get her to drop him. They didn't work...she was too desperate!!
Well that's the way it was..is.. and will be.. until he is ready to move on. He can afford to any time he chooses.
So Tara he gets a pass because fame is addicting but she's a famewhore? How can you like someone if you don't respect them? So what's the shelf life on this marriage? Since you know it's not forever. Is it 10 yrs, 15 yrs, what? How long do you wait?
Hatti just keep making my point with your ridiculous statements.
I'm going to be away for a few days, just so you don't think I'm ignoring you.
Why wouldn't I like him just because I don't respect him? I still enjoy his music. I still like him as a person- you seem to miss where I wrote I understand why he did what he did.
Lets face some facts here going into this Kidman had the advantage. She had the world wide fame, she had the money. In society that equates to power. Keith had potential. He was rising in his field, he was garnering more attention. Why do you think she sought him out after Gday LA and it took her six months to do it? With TomKat all over the place she needed to look desirable- thats why I think she is currently bringing up her supposed sex life with Keith these days, people don't view her as desirable and that all goes back to her career- it hurts her.
So she was realistic about her career (and don't think that doesn't matter first and foremost to her) and her public rejection by Tom Cruise. Enter Keith Urban who likes the fame drug more than even the crack pipe. Kidman did good or so it is believed.
How many shirts have you made 123?
Yes Tara and some pretty crooked people working for her..besides her henchman....you know like the ones that beat up the paps??
Oh yes she is a nasty piece of work.
I hope he takes every damn penny she's got so she can't go on hurting people!!!
I'm sure her fansies really don't care that she is a perverted..famwhore..that uses everyone for her own end including her bought and paid for kids.
And we are suppose to just whitewash whatever Moosie has done but KU is the bad guy!! ((giggles))
People that follow her are... as I have said before... birds of the same feather.
As we can read....airheads!!!!(((giggles)))
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