Well, I guess she may spend oodles of money on the best clothes, get warm and fuzzy with the press, have the top of the line plastic surgery and buy the best husband, and where does that get Nicole? Nowhere. You see, Nicole honey, you are nothing more than an aging, sad, pathetic woman, afraid of aging, starring in one flop after another, and controlling your husband’s every move.
I thought at first, two years ago this week in fact, that she knew what she was doing. While her one true love was jumping on couches over a woman many years his junior, Nicole was out making movies and embarking on a public PR affair with someone many women wanted. Now, after her first contracted marriage ended, many felt sorry for her. Well, he just left her.
Because he was afraid of losing his wealth to her? He grew tired of her? All he said was "Nic knows." She won an Oscar for her divorce. She was on the fast track. But her PR wasn't that terrific. Yes, she had the occasional boyfriend and she made more movies, but neither of those outlets led to her being put in the superstar league she was in when she was half of a Hollywood power couple.
It seemed by 2005, Nicole Kidman was still considered a great beauty but as an actress it wasn't adding up. She had the occasional hit, The Others, but for that one hit there were seven flops. She wasn't a first choice by many directors. The world had gone more so in favor of celebrity. It didn't matter what you did it was who you are, and all Nicole was by 2005 was a former Oscar winner and ex-wife of one of the most powerful players in Hollywood. But she pressed on. I think she realized that as she was growing older. Her work became all that she had and her work was inadequate. She needed to be shown as “above” the regular actor fray. She wanted respect and she wanted to be sexy. Throw her true love’s new hot romance at her and she knew she had to do something.
Enter Keith Urban. Talented, sexy, desirable. Well she worked her magic. She got him. Damn the torpedo's full speed ahead....
The problem, dear Nicole, was that you didn't figure out that Hollywood doesn't really want you. You aren't the hot sure thing. Your husband is quite ill. He had demons not well known until you got involved with him but they were there. You are aging. Aging and Hollywood don't go together when you try to push yourself into being a sexy siren.
Moulin Rouge was almost ten years ago when you were thirty. You can't really play a mother. No one ever sees you with your own children. So what are you left with? Well! Australia still loved her. So get the director who made her the most famous to make an epic about the homeland (we are supposed to forget she is actually an American) and have her star in it. Make deals with a hot internet photo site and a paparazzo that have the goods on her.
Then what about the husband? Well, there were rumors. He was a loose cannon and she had to get this controlled. She won him by promising him fame in the homeland by sitting at an awards show and getting world wide press by holding his hand.
She showed him he didn't have to record or tour or sing at a benefit. He was famous for being her date and that appealed to him. He married her and kept another life, but his demons were too much - it would ruin his life but, more importantly, it would ruin her plan to be famous for being part of this couple. That she and Keith were in love and the second time around for her would lead to more fame and establish them as a very powerful Australian commodity. When things got bad for him while she was out of the country, she had no choice. She swooped in, got him to a place that was famous and away from Nashville.
She then became the victim wife. She visited him, wow, at least three times in three months. She made more potential flops. And while her own true love was getting married in Italy to his child bride with her children watching she was sitting in a West LA movie theater watching Babel for the sixth time.
Keith was released from rehab in January, 2007. He said he couldn't wait to get out on the road to play again. He started doing a mini PR tour, not before he made his first appearance at a party with Nicole. He spent Valentine’s Day talking about his career. There appeared to be problems. He didn't really want to talk about her. He wanted to go to Australia and sing. Nicole was feeling what many were saying behind her back, that this relationship was nothing more than a PR stunt. Well, even in the midst of what appeared to be problems at the Oscars, she whisked him off for an 18 hour trip to St Bart's. The PR machine started again.
While he never talked about her that much before, now he can't shut up. She saved him. She was the one who got him the help he needed. His marriage was the best thing that ever happened. He looked so sincere about that. He really appears to love her, if you close your eyes and squint. She basks in this adulation. They will show Australia how a couple in love acts. They support each other. She goes to his shows over there and he is on her set. She "suggested" he get a tattoo of her name and damn if he didn't. Why, there is nothing wrong with her marriage!
Or is there? There is no photo evidence that he was even over there for her birthday and their anniversary. Private mansions and fireworks, yet not one picture. Of course, Nicole, you were reading what was being said because low and behold, Keith was there two weeks later, riding horses, going to birthday parties, and eating hot dogs. It made People so we know the love is real but a photo that many of you may not have seen from the evening of the birthday party reveals much more. It shows Keith and Nicky walking apart - he looking very pissed and she with a pout on her injected lips. A picture beats a thousand words doesn't it, Nic?
So, now her marriage is so secure and her career is in overdrive. Five movies in the next year alone! All Nic has to do is worry about her looks. She isn't the vivacious, lovely redhead from twenty years ago. She is botoxed, surgically altered - eyes, cheeks, bust, chin and lips. Her thinning gray hair is wigged in public and she keeps herself Karen Carpenter thin.
So, has it all been worth it? Well, Nic, I am sorry to say you are a joke. Your looks, marriage and career are all in question. You come across as a vapid airhead who seems to have gone to the same interview coach that the late Anna Nicole did. You keep putting out the same stupid movies that no one likes and your husband is spewing nonsense about you rather than talking about his real love – the music. Nothing that you have done has made you more special or more popular. It just makes you more visible and more and more are getting in on the joke... and that beautiful, beautiful princess… is you.....