Times they are a changin'
We at UM have stated it is our policy that we do not edit comments on this blog. Well, in light of recent comments, certain commenters have forced us to change our policy. Instead of commenting about the blog and KU/NK, certain posters have decided to make personal attacks against those who comment here and on other boards and blogs. That is so unfortunate. Because of a few posters, everyone will be moderated from now on. All comments will need to be approved before they are published. There will be three or four of us who will review comments before they are published. If the comment pertains to KU/NK and/or the blog, they will automatically be approved and published in a timely manner. If the post discusses another blog that refers to KU/NK, it may be permitted, as long as there is no personal bashing. Of course links to news stories about KU/NK and discussion about them are welcome. If the comments are bashes against private individuals, or against individuals on other boards and/or blogs, they will not be published. The freedom of speech is a wonderful thing... but the outright abuse of other speakers is intolerable.
It's a shame it has had to come to this. But this is a blog meant to discuss KUNK and to try to bring out the truth behind the fairytale. It isn't about outing individual posters, from EITHER side. It isn't about another blog or other private boards. If JustWorkingOnItWhatsHerName wants to have an open discussion to argue with the skeptics, perhaps she should consider opening up a "comments section" on her own board for her posse.
Well, I was afraid that the recent E boarders cabal, seemingly bringing their personal vendettas here would pollute this board as well. I had for pretty clear and stated reasons simply ignored the personal insults, cracks about my posts from the kidman or orb fansies. But was pretty well disciplined to not be "baited" into endless bickering matches with them and tried to stay on topic. The recent post about that "outing" site certainly raised the level of distasteful discourse, as I had previously mentioned that went on in the "A baaybee... Oh, No! Not Again!" thread. Seems those E! boarders who were whining about those pesky "mods", ironically, will now have to deal with them here at Urban MYths as well! HA! the sweet irony of people who always fail to learn from history...even on these lowly blogs!
Hi Urban Myths.
I had to do the same thing with my Blog awhile ago too. At least now when we read the comments here we don't have to scroll through lots of personal attacks to find the things we really want to read. So that is one positive.
Keep up the great blog!
Cheers, Choice
I agree UM. It's time to take away the open free-for-all and get back to the nature of our blog.
We asked them over and over to create their own blog and take their mindless rants THERE but they just won't do it. So now, at least here, we won't have to read through them.
Thanks UM!
I had to do the same thing when I had my board. Ppl like that need to try having their own. it's very insulting when you are a mod or an admin and then you have ppl turn on you for no reason.
Ppl really need to learn their "place"
Hey UM - I just want to say I am sorry for causing you any headaches on here. I normally don't behave like this, but when someone goes after me personally and bashes me, I will defend myself - it is just who I am.
I think censoring the comments on here is in your best interest right now. JB doesn't give any of us the right to voice our opinions over on their blog, so why should you give them the right to do so here? You are making the right decision at this point.
Any comments on Mr. Nicole Kidman's Dutch Boy haircut?
Then don't expect your old friend, JB, to do open her blog for YOUR comments either. Blogging is a 2 way street is all I'm saying.
I kind of think the dutch boy is an improvement over the comb over helmet head he's been sporting recently.
Yeah I am likinbg the hair better the that pumkin/helmet thing he had going on for awhile.
Shall we talk about this..Keith Urban @ BMI party last night honoring Keith.
""I want to thank the songwriters because really it all does start with a song," he says. "There's all these young people coming to town and you hear people say all the time they are just a song away from being a star. I feel really grateful I've gotten to know so many great songwriters in this town."
After a brief awards presentation that recognized the singer and those who are a part of his career, Keith and his band took the stage to perform four songs. Most notable, possibly, was "Sweet Thing" — Urban's recent 10th No. 1 song — which he earlier credited to his wife Nicole Kidman.
"My muse, my everything," he says. "I wouldn't be back in this place, especially for 'Sweet Thing' without you. I just appreciate and love you so much.""
Again thanking everyone but the fans who buy the music, request the song, vote fcr the video and come to the shows.. Keith Keith Keith.. shaking head.
ShutUpAndSing said...
"Again thanking everyone but the fans who buy the music, request the song, vote fcr the video and come to the shows.. Keith Keith Keith.. shaking
Well, it's pretty obvious since hooking up with kidman, the fans are not a big priority with the orb...that would certainly explain his declining cd sales since then...about 1.5 mil for his last full cd, whole crazy...and the half mil for his greatest hits. So, the question is can the orb surpass the sales of whole crazy with the new one? That is the question. As for kidman being "his everything" as it pertains to his declining career...great example...a movie ticket selling failure.
Yeah, shame he can't thank his fans, but it is pretty apparent that his love (yes love) for her is real. You can sweep all you want, that isn't going to change. He's found something we always wanted him to have,unfortunately it's with someone who is not an open book to us and he has taken it to the extreme.
Shame for his music, because this "muse" of his isn't all that inspiring to us.
Oh my goodness ShutUpandSing...that was certainly puke inducing. Where is the man who thanked his fans and God for his success?
I have to say, I seen him in concert Saturday night. I can't believe I spent all that money to see him. I have seen him about 5 times, met him..he was awesome. This was the first time I have seen him in 3 years, wow...something has happened to him. I could go on and on about what a difference it was, but in a nutshell...I will never pay to see him again...it was bad.
Yes, why isn't he thanking us? Ridiculous! She has changed this man. The concert I seen Saturday, he didn't move for the first half of the show. I also heard that he wouldn't sign autographs backstage? That was on the radio.
It was weird, he forgot the words in one song, and said I am sorry, it's been a while. He seemed to be doing a "job"..the passion I could see was long gone ladies....so sad!
You'll be censoring hurtful, bitchy comments that get personal? Those comments that do nothing to further a real debate but do a fine job of being snarky at someone else's expense? You'll spare us this happy horseshit?
Bloody well about time. Certain bloggers are simply a waste of bandwidth.
Remember Laura was his everything once and then he was humbled and loved by Niki....
I am thinking he is saying this stuff so that when this is finally over he can say Nicole was like a drug to me...because he sounds like a pussy
and thank your fans buttmunch
Then don't expect your old friend, JB, to do open her blog for YOUR comments either. Blogging is a 2 way street is all I'm saying.
I agree it's a two-way street and that's why I like to read both sides of an issue. But the issue here is whether or not this is a true fairytale marriage - not whether or not we are real people with real addresses and children.
inittowinit said...
I agree it's a two-way street and that's why I like to read both sides of an issue. But the issue here is whether or not this is a true fairytale marriage - not whether or not we are real people with real addresses and children.
I agree. Even though we had some rants with a few of the posters, it was kept on topic and didn't bring in the big guns of "tattle tailing" and trying to "one up" on a personal level. I understand posters defending themselves, but in all honesty it should not have come to that.
I do think moderating is a good idea. Ashame, but at this point it is needed.
I've only seen one pic of the new hairdo.
Ok, I am sorry but that has to be the WORST haircut ever. Even my husband made the comment of just how awful it is. Sorry Keith, grow it back long.
I don't like the shorter hair, but it is better than the pumlin do/helmet head that he was wearing last year!
That was supposed to say pumpkin - I CAN spell when I try LOL
WhoBStinkin, why don't you go talk to your good old buddy JB about how blogging is a two way street. It seems she started it first. She's the one who doesn't allow comments on her blog. Your good buddy has/had no intention of opening it up, otherwise it would have been open from the beginning. She plans to simply sit back and write under the name JB. Now that's open.
Oh Jeniecho, I am so sad to hear the experience that you had seeing him live. That was always the BEST part of any music was watching him play live-it makes me sick to think that is all gone. I hope he pulls it together for the tour.
I have a couple of shows coming up and I'm really wondering who will be on the stage; Keith Urban or Keith ThankGodForkidman Urban.
Well, I'm happy to say I won't be attending any of his shows. I'm supporting other artists who aren't famehos. :)
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